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+ & -, Lorimoto Gallery Bushwick/Brooklyn

Hey all , All work up, lights done, floor will be mopped tonight and cheap beer will be bought. Feel free to BYOB if Rolling Rock is not your thing. Im probably going to have my own stash since i have been refraining from drinking for the past 2 -3 weeks. Its time to celebrate Everything looks amazing . Cant wait to see you guys on Sat. Nao

Everyone draws, or at least has the experience of applying a darker tone onto a blank surface to define an idea. It is a binary task, a decision making process at the most basic elements. On / off, dark vs light, add or subtract. Two polar opposite qualities are conjured into a message to represent the artists’ vision . “+ & -“ is a show consisting works in black and white with an emphasis on drawing and portraiture. Lorimoto will be presenting the works of five artists who capture this art form. Alex Barry Corey Bond Filip Haag Ivanny Pagan Pierre Serenet Opening Reception April 9th 6-9pm Exhibition continues through May 8th Sat & Sun 1-6pm

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